Pets age a lot faster than we do. Dogs and cats are considered seniors by the age of 7. After this age we often see our pet’s health decline rapidly if not tended to on a regular basis. At Kowloon Veterinary Hospital we believe in staying one step ahead when it comes to maintaining your pet’s health. Regular check ups can make all the difference when it comes to an aging pet. That’s why we’ve developed our Seniors Wellness Program.
What Pets Should Get Seniors testing?
Although age is not a disease, the aging process involves changes in your pet that both you and your Veterinarian need to look out for and be knowledgeable about to keep your older pet healthy and happy for as long as possible.
Things to pay attention to when you have a pet over 7 years of age are:
– Weight loss or gain
– Increased thirst or urination
– Lethargy
– Vomiting/diarrhea
– Unhealthy coat
– Coughing
– Seizures
– Unusual behavior
– Overall decline in condition
Seniors Wellness Program
Your older pet may not display any of these symptoms and seem healthy well into their senior years. However many problems common to senior pets may not present symptoms until your pet becomes severely ill. The Senior Wellness Program ensures your Veterinarian can identify problems early enough to provide preventative healthcare measures. This not only helps your pet lead a long and healthy life, but also helps you avoid costly medical bills due to an advanced disease diagnosis.
The Seniors Wellness Program provides your pet with the following:
– Detailed Consultation
– Blood Tests
– Urinalysis
– Radiographs
– Thyroid Screen
– Blood Pressure Check
– Glaucoma Testing
– Ultrasound Scan
– Plus any other diagnostic tests the Vet deems necessary
Stay pro-active about your pet’s health; call Kowloon Veterinary Hospital today to find out more about our Seniors Wellness Program, or to book an appointment. Together we can keep your furry family members feeling healthy and young for years to come. Call us at 2382 3300 or email at [email protected].